Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pro Photo Shoot for N929X

Guess what toy Brad got instead of a plane

My law partner, Brad Remick, and I went to law school together at Villanova back in the 80's. He has become a very accomplished photographer on the side. He and I have talked for quite a while about getting together to get him a ride in the plane and to get me some nice, artistic photos of my plane. Our schedules and the weather never seemed to mesh until this last Labor Day weekend.

The plan was for us to combine the photo shoot with the visit by a friend who was flying in that weekend in his Velocity. That way we could get some nice air to air shots. Unfortunately, the friend had mechanical problems which kept him from visiting. We decided to get together anyway to take a practice run at it with some static shots and low pass fly by's.


We pulled the plane out to get some shots in front of the hangar first. Our airport has just finished painting the hangars. They went from sun faded 1960's blue to this nice white color - a big improvement.


This is a shot by Brad with a professional grade camera and fish eye lens. I think it looks great. You can really tell the difference from my point and shoot 10 MP camera's photos.


 I had to put these in large format. They remind me of the fighter aircraft pictures I used to love. I am going to frame one or two of these. Click on them for full effect.


I love the sky in this shot.

Ready for takeoff

Nice lake view as we head toward my house

Orbiting the house for pictures

Turning back toward airport

Final for Runway 29

Next, we went up for a ride. Brad took a few shots  out the copilot window, then tried his hand at flying the plane. Not bad for a guy who is not fond of heights. We descend and circle my house. The next picture in this orbit showed my wife on the back deck in her pajamas. I was told not to post it on pain of death. It's funny how close you can get. The last shot is short final back at Chester County.


After landing, we parked in front of the terminal building and went in for breakfast at the restaurant. It's a good place to eat with a great view of the ramp and runway.

Click on this image. You can only appreciate the detail and vivid colors in the larger image.


After breakfast we get a few more nice static shots on the ramp.




Time to start up and  head out for takeoff and some low passes for pictures.  I taxi out while Brad takes position next to the taxiway.


Next up, some low passes for photos. In the shot at the top, the gear is almost retracted. The picture is so sharp that you can see the heat from the exhaust headers distorting the image of the trees all the way back to the prop. Just click on the image for the larger version to see it.

Here I come....



My favorite. About mid-field and 30 feet AGL I rolled right just for a second and Brad managed to capture it. The only disappointment is the cloudy background. 


We decided to call it a day. We will reconvene when the weather has dried out for a blue, haze free sky. We'll get someone down here for those air to air shots. All in all, it was fun and turned out some great pictures. 

Thank you to Brad for the pictures.


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