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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

N929X in Sport Aviation

Our plane was featured in this month's EAA Sport Aviation magazine. This is definitely one of what my friend Andy Millin referred to in his article in this publication as a "Builder Moment".

That is loosely defined as a milestone, a turning point or goal reached in a project which has particular meaning to the builder.  These moments can be large or small. A Builder's Moment can be something simple such as stepping back to look with satisfaction at your first completed part. It could be the first time you see the completed airframe, etc.

My big builder moments have been documented and celebrated with my family and friends through this blog over the years since I bought the kit. Such posts have included the first time I looked at the fuselage with the wings attached in my garage, the first time I sat in my pilot's seat in the plane and the first engine start. Last year, my big moment was flying my family and friends to the Bahamas. All of these builder moments were very satisfying, even moving, for me.

 If you watch and listen to my video narration of the first time the plane took flight you will hear me choke up. I think any builder would understand how emotional that sight is. All those years of dreaming, thousands of parts, untold hours of hard work and sacrifice transformed into the dream made real - a gorgeous airplane. It definitely makes the building process worth the effort.

 I have been reading this magazine since the mid 1980's and always dreamed of having the plane displayed in it. That's one of the things you think about while you are alone in a cold hangar sanding or covered with epoxy.

This one will be framed and hung up in our home along with the issue of Kitplanes which the plane was in. I got a lot of congratulatory calls and emails and questions from other prospective builders who used the email link in the magazine.

I look forward to more of these moments. Even though the plane has been completed for some time, I will always celebrate them as new Builder Moments.


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