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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Final Paint Touch Up

This has been the worst stretch of flying weather in memory here in Pennsylvania. We've had two months of nearly constant clouds and rain. I managed to get in only a couple of very brief flights after work.

Starting today, we are forecast to have an entire week of severe clear weather. Even better, the paint shop finally has time to fit me in to do the touch up of the final details that were missed when the plane was painted. The stripes don't continue through the gear doors at this point and it looks strange in the air. There was also a minor sag or bubble here and there that will be touched up.

I'm dropping it off early tomorrow before going in to work tomorrow at Lancaster Aero Refinishers at Smoketown, S37, my old airport. Not having flown much for a long time, I started thinking it might be a good idea to shoot some landings today before landing at a 2,400 foot strip.

My son, Sean, and I went over to the airport right after dinner and took a joy ride followed by some landings. It turns out I can still fly. I always feel better after getting in the air and now am not worried about tomorrow.

Here is my copilot/navigator, all ready to go. Check out the cool Honda Jet cap from Oshkosh.


Sean helps with the post- flight wipe down and we put the plane away for the night.

This was also cool. I just turned 50 and got this great hand made Velocity card from my daughter.

More pictures of the finished paint early next week!


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