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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Flying to York for Lunch

I took the day off today and decided to fly my wife to lunch at the Kittyhawk Restaurant at York Airport (KTHV) in York, Pennsylvania. We are stuck in a weather pattern where it is sunny every morning, then overcast and raining every evening. This was a good chance to finally get back up in the air and go somewhere.

We got to the airport at 11:00 and the clouds were already building, with a scattered layer at 3,000 which was closing up. We took off and decided to get above it to avoid flying in the bumps. It turned out that the further West we went, the higher the clouds.

In the shot above, we are passing through 6,000 feet. I decided to get through the first big band of clouds, find a hole and drop back down below the now higher bases.


Here's a quick in flight video to give the feel of what it's like en route.


Back down to 3,000 and about to cross the Susquehanna river. It is cool and not even bumpy with good visibility below the clouds.


Crossing the river with clouds reflected in the water. Nice.


There it is - York Airport. The restaurant is at the near end of the runway on the right.


Short final for Runway 17 York.


A nice shot of Nancy and the plane with the restaurant in the background. You've got to like being able to pull right up to the entrance of a restaurant in your Velocity.


A couple more shots of the plane on the ramp.


The inside of the Kittyhawk Restaurant


Table with a Velocity view.


Heading back home, the clouds are closing up and we stay below them at 3,500.


On the way home, we get slight bumps, but keep it at 180-185 knots indicated, doing just under 200 knots true.


A reflected pilot's eye view of the way home.


Almost home - there's Chester County Airport.


Here is a video of the landing back at Chester County starting at the base to final turn.


Back on the ground at Chester County. I'm glad we didn't wait or we wouldn't have gotten the trip in. It looks like rain now.


Back at the hangar. It was a nice lunch and a nice little trip to help knock the rust off. I'm hoping to get a lot more flying in as the weather improves. Oshkosh is just around the corner!

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