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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Low Pass Photo Shoot

I wanted to get some nice in flight shots of the plane. Nancy did such a great job taking pictures of my departure from Smoketown after the paint touch up, that I asked her to get some shots of a few low passes at my home airport, Chester County. As you will see, they turned out pretty well.


Here is a quick close up video of the taxi out to the runway. It gives you a good idea of the look and sound of a Velocity on the ground.


Up and away, ready to circle for the first pass. It will have to be low to get a good exposure,since the approach end of the runway is back lit at this time of day.



Video of the takeoff

Here I come. I'm aiming to pass along the runway at about 20 feet and 100 knots.


Perfect set up, and now comes the money shot.....


The shots from the pass turn out great. Brett Ferrell is putting together an all Velocity calendar and chose this bottom shot for August. The calendar looks great and a "must have" for those of us into Velocities.
Check out the calendar on his blog -


I even get one shot that looks like an air to air. Now this is what today was all about. She looks great. Check out the way the stripes now continue through the gear door. That's what was added on that last visit to the paint shop at Lancaster Aero. Nice job guys.

I think this is the one that gets framed at home!


Video of the low pass. For a higher resolution version, search N929X on Youtube.

This is a video of my taxi in and a quick 360 spin for the camera. It shows the great ground handling of the Velocity. You can literally turn on a dime in the runup area to check for traffic.


The photo shoot was a success and I taxi back to the hangar. Thanks to my wife, Nancy, for her great camera work and to my daughter, Katie, for her video work.

The resolution of the videos on the blog isn't great, but HD versions of these and all the other videos of N929X are available on Youtube. Just search the N number.



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