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Monday, April 4, 2011

Practice, practice, practice...

I've been trying to get a lot of flying in before our big Bahamas trip, but the weather isn't really working with me. I had to scrub my trip to Connecticut yesterday. The weather brief at 8:30 got as far as 20 knot crosswinds at my destination and an airmet for turbulence along the way before I decided that I'd fly another day. Sure enough, the winds howled all day, despite the sunshine - very frustrating.

Today was another very blustery day, with two days of rain to follow. As we were eating dinner, I kept looking out at the trees. It doesn't look that windy......

So my daughter Katie and I headed out to the airport to circle the house and do some pattern work.


It was getting toward the end of the daylight, so we pulled the plane right out and preflighted.


Katie all belted in and ready to go.


Taxiing for takeoff on Runway 11 Chester County. Nice lighting, but a direct crosswind. More practice I guess. It's not like I'll have my choice of runways in the Bahamas.


Here's a short video of the takeoff. Why Katie shot it vertically is a mystery to me. You can still get a sense of the sound and feel of the takeoff. It doesn't take long from applying power until you can hear the wheel noise stop, then the whine of the gear coming up.


Here's a shot taken by my wife from the back deck as we approach over the willow tree. Yes, the telephoto lens might have been a good option. Oh well, I didn't say so......


....and over the house then back toward the airport.


Back at the airport. Not a lot of time, but I'll snag any chance for a flight. It was fun taking my daughter up and she really enjoyed it.

Now it's time to go home and do her homework. It's nice that flying has finally become something I can do on a whim, even if I don't have a lot of time. The plane is just sitting there waiting for me.
Good stuff!


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